My big appointment with the doctor is a week from today. A week from today we will be making decisions about IVF.
I feel like I have no idea what I am doing, there are too many choices, and I am just overwhelmed. I did some research and my clinic is among the lowest in the state for IVF live births for women under 35, at about 35%. The competing clinic is at about 60%. That's a big difference. There's another, much bigger clinic that is in the high 50%s.
The competing clinic is way closer to my house and I bet they answer the fucking phone and pay for your parking. I am seriously thinking about booking a second opinion. Like tomorrow.
I would do that (if I had the choice, but as I'm still paddling in the NHS pool, I ain't got no choice). Seriously, it'll give you something to compare your current clinic with (I think sometimes even just getting a gut feeling of 'I trust these people' or vice versa can help. Providing that getting a second opinion isn't financially completely out of the question, of course..x